- 第3日 5月17日(水) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
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Short Abstract: We attempted the development of the chips assisting Ionization, which are matrix free and are able to reduce laser intensity. We fabricated silicon nanopillar structure whose diameter are about hundreds nm and height are also about hundreds on silicon substrate with EB lithography and dry etching. Glycine solution was dropped onto the prepared chis, and the MS spectra were measured with laser irradiation. As a result, glycine related ions were detected in MS spectrum using low laser intensity on the chip we fabricated, compared with Si substrate which has no nanopillar structure. In addition, more Gly-related ions were observed on the Au-Si nanopillar structure than on the Si nanopillar structure. In this report, the fabricated structures and ionization mechanisms will be discussed.