- 第3日 5月17日(水) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
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We developed and evaluated new nanopillar structure substrate for laser ionization. We examined several types of nanopillar substrates, commercially available Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) substrate and stainless-steel plate for MALDI. As a result, ionization efficiency is depending on its nanopillar structure drastically. Simple Si nanopillar and thin Au layer on Si nanopillar structure were not observed Gly related ions, however Au-AlO3-Au (metal-insulator-metal; MIM) structure substrate shows higher ion intensity than SERS substrate. In this experiment, MALDI plate shows several times higher ion intensity than that of MIM substrate. In conclusion, we found not only nanopillar structure was effective for ionization but also how to make metal layer was a key for better ionization.