- 第3日 5月17日(水) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
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Dilated cardiomyopathies (DCM) is a group of progressive, poor prognosis diseases that primarily consist of ventricular enlargement and myocardial contractile dysfunction. J2N-k hamsters (J2N-k), which have a defective δ-sarcoglycan (δ-SG) encoding gene, have been utilized as a suitable DCM animal model because the dilation of the ventricles and dysfunction was noticeable at about 20 weeks of age. Currently, the precise phenotypes of J2N-k on heart and skeletal muscles have not been elucidated. In our previous study, we have detected several cardiovascular pathological features of J2N-k heart including inflammation, fibrosis, bone formation and giant cell in the early to mid-stage of J2N-k hamsters. In order to answer what is the molecular mechanism underlying cardiac pathology of J2N-k hamsters, here we adopt and integrate multi-modal imaging mass spectrometry in terms of immunometabolism in a spatially and temporally resolved manner.