日本質量分析学会 第71回質量分析総合討論会



第3日 5月17日(水)  P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)

近接コロナ放電イオン源による皮脂の分析: Matrix-Effect Free APCI

(1バイオクロマト・ 2山梨大・ 3ジョンズホプキンス大)
o島田治男1・ 木下一真1・ 二宮啓2・ 平岡賢三2・ ランキンステファニー3

In heat pulse desorption (HPD)/mass spectrometry, a heated N2 gas pulse was directed at the sample surface to desorb the analytes and then instantaneously introduced into the mass spectrometer via a corona discharge ion source. As a result, oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing compounds were detected regardless of their proton affinities. This indicates that successive proton-transfer reactions to form protonated compounds which have high proton affinities do not take place in the APCI ion source, characterized by the proximity of the needle tip to the MS inlet, used in this work. The lifetime of the exoergic proton transfer reactions for analytes with a concentration of 1 ppm is calculated to be about 30μs. Thus, the reactions were estimated to take place only once in the proximity space between the needle tip and the MS inlet. Under these conditions, analytes could be detected almost quantitatively. In this work, HPD was applied to skin surface lipids collected on a cotton bud. Cholesterol, squalene, wax ester, ceramides, TAG in addition to all essential amino acids and other components were detected. We also discuss the results for linearity of fatty acids using this APCI ion source.