- 第2日 5月16日(火) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
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In the electrospray ionization (ESI), a conical-charged droplet (also called a Taylor cone) is generated at the tip of the emitter capillary. Depending on the flow rate and the physical parameter of the liquid, and the emitter voltage, the electrospray can be operated in the pulsation, cone-jet, or multi-jet modes. In the cone-jet mode, the shape of the Taylor cone also changes with the variation of the voltage. Ideally, the stable cone-jet state should always be maintained. In practice however, small fluctuations such as changes in the conductivity and surface tension of the solvent, atmospheric changes, and deviations in experimental conditions can disrupt the cone-jet state, causing the ESI to become unstable.
To solve this problem, we have developed a feedback control for ESI by real-time measurement of the Taylor cone apex angle and spray current to maintain the electrospray under the cone-jet mode.