- 第2日 5月16日(火) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
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As the demand for reliable and high-sensitivity analysis increases, the need for high-sensitivity analysis using LC/MS is significantly increasing. In the HPLC analysis of metal coordination compounds, the influence of adsorption on the inner surface of the column hardware cannot be ignored for obtaining high sensitivity in LC/MS analysis. The InertMask (IM) is our new metal surface treatment, that is an organic silicon oxide layer on a metal surface such as stainless steel. This IM technology is very effective for the piping parts of the analyzer that is concerned about metal coordination adsorption. We developed a new metal-free stainless steel HPLC column: IM Column. In LC/MS analysis of phosphorylated compounds, the IM Column reduce a specific adsorption of analytes particularly on column hardware surface and leads to improving sensitivity and peak shape. In this report, we suggest that the use of the IM Column is the one of effective method for analysis of metal coordination compounds in LC/MS.