日本質量分析学会 第71回質量分析総合討論会



第2日 5月16日(火) 14:40~15:05 B会場(会議室1202)



The research method using molecular-level isotope analysis (Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis, CSIA) of organic compounds was originated in the 1960s and has since been recognized and applied in various fields of science. In this talk, we will discuss the "state-of-the-art molecular-level carbon & nitrogen isotope analysis technology" we have been developing, based on optimized pretreatment, compound purification process with HPLC (without isotope ratio alterations), and nano-EA/IRMS isotope analysis. In particular, recent advances in 13C-, 15N-, and 34S-CSIA of the compounds involved in central metabolism and derived functional compounds such as amino acids and nucleobases will be highlighted. With examples of our latest results obtained from biogeochemical materials such as aquatic organisms, suspended particles, and sediments, we will also discuss the technical details of our methods, their potential benefits, and challenges to overcome in our perspectives. It is important to note that the refined analytical methods of the 13C-CSIA provide new perspectives in an interdisciplinary area of 14C-CSIA