- 第1日 5月15日(月) P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)
1P-25(2C-O-0915) PDF
Apples are the world's largest fruit in both production and consumption, and their fresh aroma is one of the reasons for their popularity. Apple aroma compounds have been studied previously, but all methods have problems such as long measurement time or processing. In this study, volatile compounds emitted from intact apples were analyzed using an atmospheric pressure corona discharge ionization (APCDI) method combined with collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry, which require no pretreatment and short measurement time. Apples measured were Fuji, Gala, Akane, Sansa, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Jonathan, Tsugaru, and Orin. Detected major ion peaks were protonated molecules of saturated esters [CxH2xO2+H]+ (x=2-12) for all the apples. The distribution of ester isomers for each CxH2xO2 depends upon apple cultivars. For example, the relative intensities at R1=C4H9 were large in Fuji, but small in Sansa. This is an indication of specificity among varieties.