日本質量分析学会 第71回質量分析総合討論会



第1日 5月15日(月)  P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)



LC/MS has been used for qualitative and quantitative analysis in a wide range of fields due to the diversification of HPLC separation mechanisms, improvements in packing materials, and high-performance MS detectors. For analytes with structure that are difficult to ionize directly or analytes with low molecular weight, it is necessary to investigate pretreatment methods such as decomposition and derivatization that achieve the sensitive detection by MS. Inorganic cyanide is a typical example, and has been analyzed by the ion electrode method, flow analysis method or pyridinecarboxylic acid-pyrazolone absorptiometry. Analysis by post-column-IC is also reported, but requires a complicated equipment configuration. As an example of measurement cyanide ion by LC/MS using derivatization, a method for quantification of compounds in blood has been reported, but there are few cases of detailed investigation of derivatization reagents and conditions. In addition, cyanide compounds are highly toxic, and it is necessary to establish a more sensitive analysis method for water samples. In this study, we investigated and optimized the reaction conditions for the formation of isoindole derivatives using cyanide ions (free cyanide) as the measurement target, and applying the method for the analysis of environmental water.