日本質量分析学会 第71回質量分析総合討論会



第1日 5月15日(月) 11:00~11:15 C会場(会議室1009)

MALDI-TOF MS Imagingを用いたイチゴ果実成熟段階別の糖および有機酸の定量的局在性解析


Sugars and organic acids in strawberry fruit are important components related to the taste, however changes in the distribution during the maturation was not fully clarified yet. MALDI-TOF MS Imaging could visualize the distribution of various compounds, but could not compare the distributions, in terms of concentration, obtained from different specimens. In this study, MALDI-TOF MS imaging technique was combined with HPLC according to the report by Sugahara et al. (2019) in order to make the comparison possible between different specimens. Clarifying changes in distribution of sugars and organic acids may lead to better understanding of the fruit maturation mechanism.