日本質量分析学会 第69回質量分析総合討論会会



第3日 5月21日(金)  P1会場(Zoom)

電子イオン化およびエレクトロスプレーイオン化質量分析法によるNi(acac)2, Ni(hfac)2, Co(acac)2 およびCo(hfac)2からの気相イオンの生成機構の研究 III. 密度汎関数理論計算


The fragmentation mechanisms of Ni(acac)2, Ni(hfac)2, Co(acac)2, and Co(hfac)2 ions in EI and ESI mass spectra were investigated with Density Functional Theory (DFT). The optimized geometries and energies of all possible ions were calculated at the APFD/6-311++G(d,p) level. [Ni(acac)2]+・ (m/z 256) in EI mass spectra generated the m/z 241 ion via methyl elimination. From the results of CID MS/MS spectra, it was found that the m/z 157 ion was then generated by secondary bond cleavage of the m/z 241 ion ([Ni(acac)2-CH3]+). The results of DFT calculations showed that these reactions were endothermic by 2.6 eV.