日本質量分析学会 第67回質量分析総合討論会


Oral Sessions

Day 1, May 15(Wed.) 15:45-16:05 Room C (101)

A Method for Quantifying Antibody-Drug Conjugates Using LC-MS/MS ‒From Screening Target Peptides to Developing Method for Quantification‒

(Toray Research)
oSatoko Ota

An analytical method for quantifying ADC in serum with LC-MS/MS has been developed using Kadcyla which is commercially available ADC. As a result of measuring an enzymatic digest of Kadcyla using trypsin, V8 and Asp-N using Q-TOF/MS, 32 of 44 sites of lysine in Kadcyla were identified as conjugation sites of DM-1. The conjugation ratio of DM-1 for each lysine was estimated from the peak area ratio of drug conjugate to non-conjugate. Based on these results, a specific payload-linked peptide was selected from the tryptic digest. By using these peptides, a bioanalytical method with LC-MS/MS was constructed.