日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会



第3日 5月17日(木)  ポスター会場

High-Definition Mass Spectrometryによるヒト肝がん組織のメタボローム解析

o三枝大輔1,2,3永井滉士4Baasanjav, Uranbileg3,5,6蔵野信3,5,6長谷川潔6國土典宏6池田均3,5,6矢冨裕3,5,6富岡佳久4青木淳賢3,4

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for approximately 90% of primary liver cancers and is the fifth most common cancer in the world. It is assumed that the number of HCC cases will continue to increase, and biomarkers that are related to the degree of tumor progression and cellular characteristics and that can provide clinical information linked to treatment are required. Metabolomics has been developed as one of the post-genomic research fields and is a promising avenue for discovery of HCC biomarkers. Especially, the global metabolomics (G-Met) can analyze metabolic pathways and obtain new knowledge, such as the detection of unknown metabolites. However, G-Met has following problems: (1) the comprehensiveness and reproducibility of the measurement method to cover a wide range of metabolites; (2) the identification of compounds; and (3) the acquisition of information relating to the spatial localization of the compounds. Regarding problem; (1) we used a mixed-mode column that is based on a combination of ion exchange and reversed phase technologies; (2), we used high-definition mass spectrometry, which can separate ions by ion mobility; (3) we used desorption electrospray ionization-MS imaging, which incorporates an electrospray probe and LC-MS.