日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会



第2日 5月16日(水)  ポスター会場

TLC-MALDI ImagingのためのTM-Sprayerによるマトリックス調製の検討


TLC-MALDI requires MALDI matrices like other MALDI measurements, in most cases. Among several matrix preparation methods possible, Dip Coating method is widely used mainly for lipids. However, with this method, TLC spots of samples different from lipids might be dissolved and moved when the plate is dipped into matrix solution in the protocol. To prevent this, spray preparation matrix solution should be suitable. On the other hand, TM-sprayer which is a matrix spray device for MALDI Imaging, is coming to be used widely. In this study, TM-sprayer as a new matrix preparation method for TLC plate was compared to Dip Coating method.