日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会



第2日 5月16日(水)  ポスター会場

UV-MALDI-MS fingerprints for monitoring biosystems: the case of toads secretions

Petroselli, Gabriela1oErra-balsells, Rosa1Nonami, Hiroshi2

In this work, using Rhinella arenarum we have performed, for the first time, the MALDI-MS and MS/MS characterization of the components of the secretion used as crude material, just suspended in MeOH (or MeCN). Samples were collected from juvenile and adult specimens (non-reproductive the former and reproductive the latter, respectively) at two different times in the year, July (not reproductive season) and December (reproductive season). Our findings showed that MALDI-MS fingerprints from crude (raw) secretions can be a tool of choice for characterization of amphibian's secretions and for finding out new biomolecules naturally present in the material but may be lost during chemical manipulation (work-up) of the secretions.