- 第2日 5月16日(水) 10:45~11:05 C会場(星雲2)
2C-O1-P-1045 PDF
Protein kinases are encoded by over 500 genes in the human genome and play central roles in various cellular signaling pathways. Consequently, many diseases are associated with mutations in protein kinases. To fully understand the complex phosphorylation-mediated signaling networks, it is essential to develop analytical strategies for the global identification and functional characterization of downstream substrates of individual protein kinases. We have developed and adopted various phosphoproteomic approaches such as IMAC/2D-DIGE/MS, TMT/IMAC/bRP/LC-MS, Phospho-PRM and Phos-tag PAGE. These approaches have enabled efficient identification and validation of protein kinases substrates. Here we present these phosphoproteomic approaches to elucidate signaling mechanisms mediated by several disease-associated protein kinases including ERK, PKD, TBK1 and PINK1.