- 第2日 5月16日(水) 17:05~17:20 B会場(星雲1)
2B-O3-M-1705 PDF
ネイティブマススペクトロメトリーを用いた金属タンパク質RNase HIと基質RNA/DNA hybridとの複合体分析
Ribonuclease HI (RNase HI) is an endoribonuclease which hydrolyzes the RNA strand of RNA/DNA hybrids, and generates 5’-phosphate and 3’-hydroxy termini. The enzymatic activity of RNase HI requires the divalent metal ions (Mg2+ or Mn2+). The enzyme-substrate complex is usually difficult to detect because it is subjected to rapid reaction, resulting in dissociation. In this study, we tried to measure the ternary complex of RNase HI, RNA/DNA hybrid, and Mn2+ ion, which has the enzymatic activity, by native mass spectrometry for its detection.