- 第1日 5月15日(火) ポスター会場
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There are various substances that can threaten the food safety, such as pesticides, mycotoxins. LC-MS/MS analysis is a prevailing technique for the detection of these substances in food safety. Mycotoxins are especially frequent contaminants of agricultural products, and brewers are concerned that they can give serious damages to consumers, for example liver cancer, nephritis, pulmonary edema and so on. This is the reason why most countries have adopted regulations to limit exposure to mycotoxins, while the regulated mycotoxins and value differ with countries. We present here a LC-MS/MS system for quantitative screening of 25 mycotoxins and includes a multi-mycotoxin sample preparation column to cover worldwide regulations.
Ground wheat flour samples were mixed with water/acetonitrile, and shaked. Mycotoxins were spiked to the sample when needed. This solution was then loaded into the spin purification (MYCOSPINTM 400, Romer Labs). Treated samples were measured using a Nexera X2 UHPLC system and acquisition was performed in positive and negative MRM mode using a LCMS-8060 (Shimadzu Corp., Japan).
Various types of mycotoxins were measured in a single run which includes positive and negative ion. Good separation, sensitivity and linearity were achieved with a single sample preparation.