日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会



第1日 5月15日(火)  ポスター会場


(1サーモフィッシャー2東大システムズ薬理3東大病院病理部4理研QBIC 無細胞タンパク質合成研究ユニット5理研QBIC  合成生物学研究グループ)

Amyloidosis is a diseases characterized by the deposition of insoluble fibrils protein(Amyloid) derived from abnormal protein folding. Amyloid deposits on various organs of the whole body, course disordered function. Approximately 20 different proteins are known to be involved in the amyloidosis. Accurate characterization of the precursor protein is important because treatment options vary with the type of amyloid deposit.
Typical methods for diagnosis of amyloidosis are confirmation of deposits by congo red staining and identification of amyloid deposit by immunohistochemical(IHC) staining. Although IHC staining includes ambiguous results, these cases can’t lead to the identification of amyloid. In recent years, diagnosis of amyloidosis using mass spectrometry has been introduced in some complicated cases. The identification and quantitative performance of mass spectrometry is expected to make a big success even in future diagnosis.
In this presentation, we show effectiveness of mass spectrometry for diagnosis of amyloidosis from pathological specimens that can't be identified amyloid by IHC staining. Additionally, we provide a method that diagnose systemic amyloidosis can rapidly be assayed for establish a high-throughput diagnostic workflow. We show that this workflow is effective for diagnosis from pathological specimen of 29 samples.