- 第1日 5月15日(火) 17:20~17:40 C会場(星雲2)
1C-O2-M-1720 PDF
We investigated spatio-temporal distribution of CHCAH+ ions by irradiating a flat-shaped UV laser beam (1 mm thickness) to the propagating ion packet. CHCAH+ ions in the irradiated volume decrease by photodissociation into small fragment ions, resulting in a partially missing signal profile of CHCAH+ in the MALDI-MS spectra. Since the extent of the decrease is proportional to number of ions in the irradiated volume, spatio-temporal ion distributions were extracted from measured partially missing profiles as a function of the laser delay(Δt) and the distance between the MALDI plate to the post laser beam (d). From the analyses, we found that the ion packet of (CHCA)H+ extend to d=1 mm within t=50-100 ns after MALDI laser irradiation and the ion ejection from the sample surface lasts for 200 ns under a static extraction electric field at 3.54×105 V/m. Similar results were obtained for (CHCA)2H+.