- 第1日 5月15日(火) 15:25~15:45 B会場(星雲1)
1B-O1-M-1525 PDF
In recent years, advanced technologies using high-resolution mass spectrometer have attracted attention for screening, identification, and quantification of targeted and non-targeted compounds in food safety area. We have also developed the methods for non-targeted analysis and structure identification of hazardous substances in foods by LC or GC hyphenated QTOF-MS. The structural analysis methods so far were based on the detailed analysis of the mass spectrum and the product ion spectrum specifically detected in the chromatogram, and the chemical structure was subsequently constructed by the molecular formula and its fragment information. However, problems existed regarding the rapidity and accuracy of the structure construction, such as those caused by the requirement of highly skilled chemists for spectrum analysis. Therefore, in order to solve these problems, we constructed a proprietary product ion spectrum database of chemical substances that potentially contaminate food products. As a consequence, it was shown that the analysis by LC-QTOF-MS is completed in approximately 2 minutes. In this session, we will report the results of these investigations and also illustrate some successful cases of structure identification of the unknown substances in foods.