日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会



第1日 5月15日(火) 17:40~18:00 A会場(オービットホール)



The central carbon metabolism is an old frontier of biology that should be revisited with trans-omics data obtained by mass spectrometry. 13C-Metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) of paclitaxel treated breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) showed that the metabolic flux levels of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and anaerobic glycolysis were significantly increased and decreased by a low-dose treatment of paclitaxel, respectively. A gap between the total regeneration and consumption rates of ATP in the paclitaxel-treated cells was 1.2 times greater than that in the control, suggesting that ATP demand was significantly increased by the paclitaxel treatment, probably due to the activation of microtubule polymerization.