- 第1日 5月15日(火) 17:20~17:40 A会場(オービットホール)
1A-O2-M-1720 PDF
One of the current problems in metabolomics is the difficulty in integrating data collected on different days, using different equipment and/or facilities. Accordingly, the development of a fundamental methodology that enables quantitative comparison of large scale data is needed for next-generation metabolomics study. As a starting point, we examined whether different analytical methods among different laboratories provide within tolerant relative quantification data for certain metabolites. Identical samples extracted from two human cancer cell lines (HeLa and MCF-7) were distributed to each facility, and hydrophilic and hydrophobic metabolites analyses were performed. Based on the preliminary results, we investigated the number of identified metabolites from cancer cells and the variations of relative quantification results (MCF-7/HeLa) among analytical methods.