日本質量分析学会 第66回質量分析総合討論会



第1日 5月15日(火) 15:25~15:45 A会場(オービットホール)



Current high-speed triple quadrupole MS can perform more than 1,000 MRM transitions in a single LC-MS run, and current LC-MRM-MS-based, widely-targeted metabolomics datasets contain 100,000 or more chromatograms. To facilitate analysis of such a huge dataset, we developed a new software for a large-scale LC-MRM-MS-based metabolome dataset. The software is designed to function as a light-weight data browser, which allow users to quickly access and integrate chromatographic regions of interest from thousands of MRM chromatograms. User operations are always applied at dataset level, which allows users to seamlessly browse and analyze the dataset. With several additional integrated functionalities, the software assists quick development of large-scale metabolome dataset analyses. In the presentation, we introduce the concept and performance of the software using some examples.