- 第1日 5月15日(火) 15:05~15:25 A会場(オービットホール)
1A-O1-M-1505 PDF
Recently, the term of “Transomics” is used for new research field to connect different omics layer data. Under the situation, imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) cannot still provide clear position in transomics area. On the other hand, there are reports on procedure of multivariate analysis in IMS. This direction indicates “imageomics” using large mass spectra data including metabolites and proteins information. In this presentation, I would like to introduce recent development of multivariate analysis in IMS. Additionally, recent molecular imaging techniques including IMS can visualize different size of specimens. In this point of view, “trans-scale” is also one of the important keywords in imaging techniques. I also discuss the issue about trans-scale imaging.