
Poster Presentations

Day 3: Friday, May 20  Poster Room(Gekko)

The effect of sequential derivatization for GC/MS metabolomics

(1GL Sciences, 2AMR, 3Kyushu Univ.)
oHiromi Miyagawa1, Aki Ando1, Sayaka Mikami2, Takatomo Kawamukai2, Yoshihiro Izumi3, Takeshi Bamba3

The methoxime-TMS derivatization method is widely used in GC/MS metabolomics due to its versatility and relatively easy procedure. However, batch processing of derivatization tends to give poor repeatability in terms of peak area, especially for amino acids. The main reason for this problem is believed to be the varying reaction times, which coincides with the period between the start of derivatization and the GC injection that would increase for each sample towards the end of the batch. This study confirms that the good repeatability of peak area can be achieved by utilizing a sequential derivatization method.