
Poster Presentations

Day 2: Thursday, May 19  Poster Room(Ume)

Analysis of Secondary Metabolites from A. nidulans Using GC/MS and LC/MS/MS V. AN3280 Gene Expression-enforced Strains: LO8910 and LO8925

(1Nara Women's Univ., 2Nara Women's Univ., 3Nara Women's Univ., 4Nagoya Univ.)
oNao Tsukamoto1, Tomoko Kimura2, Takahito Suzuki3, Tomohiro Akashi4, Takae Takeuchi2

The effects of modified expression of several sesquiterpene biosynthesis genes in the genome of A. nidulans were investigated by HRMS, NMR and Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy. In expression-enforced strains, LO6191 for AN3277 gene and LO8910 and LO8925 for AN3280 gene of A. nidulans, three peaks were detected in the extracted ion chromatogram (EIC) at m/z 204, which corresponds to the molecular ions of sesquiterpenes including (+)-aristolochene.