
Award Lecture

Day 2: Thursday, May 19 16:50-17:10 Room A (Orbit Hall)

Model Construction for MALDI In-Source Decay and Its Applications

(Yokohama City Univ.)
oMitsuo Takayama

To construct a model for MALDI-ISD, it is so important to know the origin of hydrogen atoms to generate c-ions. It was confirmed using an isotope-labelled peptide that the hydrogen atoms were from the matrix molecules. The appearance of c-ions is strongly dependent upon matrix materials used, and its structural character is to have hydrogen atom releasing groups such as phenolic and anilinic active-hydrogens (Ph-OH and Ph-NH2). An intermolecular hydrogen-transfer model for MALDI-ISD was constructed by using 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,5-DHB) matrix, scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and X-ray crystallography data of 2,5-DHB. The constructed model has successfully rationalized the formation of c-ions, and the model was called as “Takayama’s model for MALDI-ISD” named by De Pauw’s group.