
Poster Presentations

Day 1: Wednesday, May 18  Poster Room(Gekko)

Sensitive and specific LC-MS/MS analysis of plasma free metanephrines using either on-line or off-line sample cleanup

(Recipe GmbH)
oKlaus Knirsch, Katharina Kern, Anke Deden, Irene Doering

RECIPE's CE IVD certified ClinMass® LC-MS/MS Complete Kits – Free Metanephrines in Plasma allow quantitation of metanephrine, normetanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine in human plasma after on-line or off-line sample preparation. Both kits include simultaneous extraction and concentration, while the separation and mass selective detection is achieved using LC-MS/MS. The method shows outstanding validation results for all analytes. Close agreement of analyte concentrations with results reported for RCPAQAP proficiency testing scheme could be obtained.