

Day 1: Wednesday, May 18 17:35-17:40 Room A (Orbit Hall)

Fundamental and practical aspects of LC/MS (I): Development of robust analytical method

(1Thermo Fisher, 2Bruker Daltonics, 3RIKEN)
Masayuki Kubota1, Yoshihiko Takinami2, oTakemichi Nakamura3

MSSJ Corporate Program Working Group (MSSJ CPWG) is organizing a consortium of instrument manufacturers. One of the objectives of this effort is to bridge the society and a wide range of MS users and encourage people to attend the annual conferences and join the society. To pursue this end, CPWG plans to hold serial workshops that would be attended by many ordinary MS users to share common problems and exchange information. In this year's workshop, we focus on LC/MS method development, especially problems associated with and/or attributed to "matrix effect".