
Oral Sessions

Day 1: Wednesday, May 18 15:25-15:45 Room A (Orbit Hall)

Proteome and transcriptome analyses of simultaneously isolated RNA/protein in human cells using TRIzol Reagent

(1RIKEN, 2Yokohama City Univ., 3Kazusa DNA Res. Inst.)
oYusuke Kawashima1, Jun Miyata1, Makoto Arita1,2, Osamu Ohara1,3

TRIzol Reagent is a conventional RNA extraction reagent that has been widely used in RNA preparation. In addition, it is also known that DNA and proteins can be recovered from Trizol-extracted tissues or cells for integrative analysis. However, Trizol-extracted proteins have scarcely been used for proteomic analysis, because protein fractions extracted from Trizol are frequently difficult to dissolve. Here, we tried to analyze proteins extracted from HEK293 cells and human neutrophils in TRIzol Reagent using membrane proteomic method. The results indicated that proteins can be sufficiently recovered from those cells with high repeatability. We applied this method to characterize proteome and transcriptome of human neutrophils from the same sample.