
Oral Sessions

Day 3: Friday, June 19 10:10-10:30 Room D(202)

Characterization of pyrolysis products from coals by evolved gas anaysis using

(Univ. Tokyo)
oFumina Kadowaki, Kenichi Tonokura

We performed evolved gas analysis (EGA) in the thermal decomposition of coals with a photoionization mass spectrometer (PI-MS). High intensity ion signals at m/z = 94, 108 and 142 assigned to phenol, cresol, and naphthalene, respectively were observed at heating temperature above 320 deg C. These compounds exhibit bimodal distributions as a function of heating temperature and would be produced by cracking of higher-molecular-weight compounds. High-molecular-weight components above 200 were not obviously measured because of the thermal decomposition in the elevated temperature.