
Oral Sessions

Day 2: Thursday, June 18 10:10-10:30 Room B(102)

Studying Alzheimer's disease brain through Imaging Mass Spectroscopy

(1Doshisha Univ., 2Bruker Daltonics, 3BB for Aging Res., 4Doshisha Univ.)
oMasaya Ikegawa1, Tomohiro Miyasaka1, Nobuto Kakuda1, Noriyuki Iwasaki2, Takashi Nirasawa2, Hiroyuki Sumikura3, Shigeo Murayama3, Yasuo Ihara4

During the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the formation of plaques containing a high concentration of amyloid β (Aβ) peptides is thought to assume a central role in the disease’s pathogenesis. Early studies of these deposits show that they mainly composed of peptides between 4–5 kDa in molecular mass; and are all derived from amyloid precursor protein (APP). In this study, we seek to apply a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) based workflow on APP23 transgenic mouse, expressing amyloid precursor protein through Swedish familial Alzheimer disease mutation. Further evaluations of feasibility in clinical application of this technique will be reported, where we investigate the detailed peak-to-peak analysis of the different variants of Aβ peptides distribution in the brain tissues sampled from APP23 transgenic mice as well as human AD brain.