
Poster Presentations

Day 1: Wednesday, June 17  [Poster Room] Room P

Expression profiling of central metabolism related enzymes in 29 single gene deletion mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by ultra-fast mass spectrometry

(1Osaka Univ., 2Shimadzu)
oFumio Matsuda1, Tairo Ogura2, Atsumi Tomita1, Ichiro Hirano2, Hiroshi Shimizu1

A quantitative proteome analysis was conducted to investigate expression profiles of carbon central metabolism-related enzymes in single gene deletion mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by ultra-fast mass spectrometry. Levels of 104 enzymes in 29 mutant strains of S. cerevisiae were successfully determined by 261 SRM assay runs using nanoLC-ESI-MS/MS (Prominence nano + LCMS-8040). A comparison of the enzyme levels among S. cerevisiae mutants showed a dynamic change of enzyme expression levels by global and local regulation mechanisms.