
Poster Presentations

Day 2: Thursday, May 15  Poster Room(Gekko)

Gene analysis of volatile organic compound production in Aspergillus nidulans III

(1Nara Women's Univ., 2Nagoya Univ., 3Nara Women's Univ., 4Nara Women's Univ., 5SUNBOR)
oSayaka Tsuri1, Tomohiro Akashi2, Takahito Suzuki3, Tomoko Kimura4, Motoko Masuda4, Takashi Iwashita5, Hajime Komura5, Takae Takeuchi4

Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) emitted from Aspergillus nidulans was investigated and the effects of modified expression of some sesquiterpene biosynthesis genes in the genome of A. nidulans were analyzed. A peak corresponding to C15H24 (m/z 204) was found in GC/MS TIC chromatographs of MVOCs emitted from expression-enforced strains of A. nidulans. It was a new member of the group of volatile terpenes which A. nidulans can produce in a specific condition. We also determined the molecular structure of this sesquiterpene using NMR specrtoscopy, MS/MS spectrometry and ab initio calculations.