
Oral Sessions

Day 2: Thursday, May 15 10:40-11:00 Room C (Seiun 2)

Structural identification of flavonol glycosides in plant single-cell with MSn spectra of orbitrap FT-MS

oKohtaro Sugahara1, Takehiro Watanabe1, Tsuyoshi Esaki2, Tsutomu Masujima2, Tohru Yamagaki1

Flavonoids and their glycosides have large structural diversity due to their complex glycosyl substituents. Among various flavonoid glycosides, we are focusing on isomeric distinguishing on their glycoside regioisomers by means of MSn techniques. We confirmed significant differences in negative MS2 spectra when comparing flavonol 3-O-glycoside and 7-O-glycoside. Furthermore, their MS3 spectra from their aglycones turned out be useful to elucidate their glycosylated positions, which suggested availability for identification of flavonol glycosides. Finally, we attempted our method to live flower cells by using single-cell mass spectrometry technique.