
Oral Sessions

Day 2: Thursday, May 15 10:00-10:20 Room C (Seiun 2)

Fragmentation characteristics of N-linked glycopeptides in negative-ion mode

oTakashi Nishikaze, Shin-ichirou Kawabata, Koichi Tanaka

In this study, we performed negative-ion collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments using a large set of N-linked glycopeptides derived from well-characterized glycoproteins to understand the fragmentation behavior of deprotonated glycopeptides. The obtained results indicated that the detectable fragment ion species are variable depending on their amino acid composition and sequence, and can be classified into three types. Interestingly, negative-ion fragmentation of N-linked glycopeptides can provide valuable information for in-depth structural characterization of the glycan moiety, which is not available in positive-ion fragmentation. Observed fragments are reasonably explained by a combination of existing fragmentation rules suggested for N-glycans and peptides.