
Poster Presentations

Day 1: Wednesday, May 14  Poster Room(Gekko)

Application of Information-independent SWATH Technique for Metabolite Profiling in Drug Discovery

(Astellas Pharma)
oKazuyoshi Nozaki

Product ion spectra of drug metabolites are important for structure elucidation at the drug discovery stage, and the SWATHTM technique is an information-independent method of obtaining these spectra. A UPLC®-TripleTOF® 5600+ system was used for metabolite profiling of diltiazem as a model compound in cryopreserved hepatocytes. Data obtained via SWATHTM provided useful product ion spectra of metabolites, just as might be obtained using an information-dependent acquisition (IDA) method. SWATHTM was also easier to use and more comprehensive than IDA with regard to measurements of drug metabolites and endogenous compounds.