日本質量分析学会 第68回質量分析総合討論会会



第3日 5月13日(水)  P会場(1008/09)


o三浦宏之1立石勇介1出水秀明1古橋治1谷口純一1小河潔1丸野浩昌1中冨学郎2藤田遼3Shchepunov, Vyacheslav3Rignall, Michael3Harley, Stuart3和気弘明3Chadbourne, Jeff3

We have developed a novel multi-turn TOF-MS (MTOF). This system avoided the "overtaking " that has been encountered in conventional MTOF, and achieved high resolving power while keeping its size compact. We constructed LC-MTOF-MS and evaluated the performance. Mass resolving power higher than 150k (FWHM) and instrument detection limit of approximately 3 amol were achieved. Furthermore, MS analyses of biological molecules were performed. Isotopic peaks of cytochrome c (approximately 12kDa, 8+) were clearly separated.