日本質量分析学会 第68回質量分析総合討論会会



第1日 5月11日(月)  P会場(1008/09)

GC/MS calibration-curve-locking database (CCLD)を用いたヒト血漿メタボロミクス実験室間検証


In this study, we performed cross-laboratory validation of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with a calibration-curve-locking database (CCLD) to integrate metabolome data obtained at different facilities. The GC/MS-based metabolomic data was compared at five different laboratories using identical plasma samples, pretreatment method, and GC/MS analysis. Results indicated that the concentration of hydrophilic metabolites in human plasma NIST SRM1950 is almost consistent with the certificated values. Thus, these studies suggested the possibility of semi-quantification screening using CCLD without requiring calibration curve.