

第2日 5月18日(木)  P会場(多目的ホール)


(1静岡県大薬・ 2静岡県大食品栄養)
o進藤卓弥1・ 宮崎康人1・ 水野初1・ 伊藤圭祐2・ 閔俊哲1・ 轟木堅一郎1・ 豊岡利正1

We have found the biologically uncommon isomerized aspartic acid residues and calculated their isomerization ratio in peptides and proteins by a combination of the chiral derivatization with LC-MS/MS based proteomics. Cationic derivatization reagents, DBD-Py-NCS and DBD-Apy were derivatized to the amino groups and carboxyl groups in the peptides, respectively. The tryptic peptide (FVIFLDVK) in αA-Crystallin which contained an isomerized Asp residue was used as the model peptide. The derivatized peptide isomers were completely separated by this method. These results show that this proposed chiral peptide LC-MS/MS method using chiral derivatization provides a rapid and sensitive analysis for post translational Asp isomerization sites in aging proteins.