

第3日 5月20日(金) 10:20~10:40 A会場(オービットホール)

イメージング質量分析とマイクロダイアリシス質量分析 〜 in vivo脳からのメタボローム解析〜


Conventional MS based metabolomics cannot provide spatial information and time-resolved analysis of brain energy metabolism from living animals, due to its invasive sample collection manner. To overcome this problem, we established a micro-dialysis linked MS system for real-time metabolomic analysis of brain extracellular fluids, continuously collected from living animals. In combination with a high sensitive imaging MS employing on-tissue derivatization method, these tow methodologies revealed neurotransmitter metabolism during disease condition (e.g., epileptic seizure) as well as physiological condition (e.g., sleep/awake cycle).