

第3日 5月20日(金) 12:10~13:10 A会場(オービットホール)

探索・同定から多成分定量までOrbitrap GC MS/MS System “Q Exactive GC”が切り拓く新たなアプリケーション


Until now, GC-MS technology has been limited in its ability to collect comprehensive qualitative and quantitative sample information with high levels of selectivity, sensitivity and confidence; especially in highly complex samples. Today, the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Orbitrap™ GC-MS/MS system makes this comprehensive analysis a reality. It is an easy-to-use, dedicated benchtop GC-MS system that provides the highest confidence in compound discovery, identification, and quantitation for a comprehensive understanding of your samples. This unmatched performance is achieved through the superior resolving power, mass accuracy, and sensitivity that only Orbitrap technology can deliver.