

第2日 5月19日(木)  ポスター会場(いちょう)

大気圧イオン化GC/Q Tof MSおよび多変量解析を用いた日本酒中の香味成分の比較


The most widely used ionization technique on GC/MS is electron ionization (EI), which produces highly fragmented spectra that are library searchable. The molecular ion in an EI spectrum is often absent or of very low abundance which can lead to incorrect identification. Atmospheric pressure GC (APGC) is a soft chemical ionization technique that generates a mass spectrum in which there is minimal fragmentation and conservation of the molecular ion. By using this ionization technique and latest multivariate data analysis, it is easily possible to identify significant component in individual sample. Flavor component was extracted by liquid – liquid extraction with ethyl acetate from different kind of Japanese sake and analyzed on APGC/Q Tof MS.As a result of multivariate data analysis, significant marker flavor components were detected as precursor ion mostly (M+H)+. And marker component were identified by using precursor and fragment ion accurate spectra data