

第1日 5月18日(水) 17:40~17:50 A会場(オービットホール)


(1アジレント・ 2AB SCIEX・ 3ブルカーダルトニクス・ 4サーモフィッシャー・ 5島津・ 6日本ウォーターズ)
o福田宏之1・ 柴田猛2・ 瀧浪欣彦3・ 窪田雅之4・ 川畑慎一郎5・ 江崎達哉6・ 芹野武1・ 佐藤太6

Matrix effects have become a major concern in quantitative LC/MS analysis. The analyte(s) are interfered by co-elution with matrix compounds in the ionization process. Although the mechanisms involved in matrix effects have not been fully explored, some kinds of compounds are possible candidates to cause matrix effect. To minimize matrix effects, modification to the sample extraction methodology and improved chromatographic separation must be performed. In this workshop, we introduce about the approaches for the elimination of matrix effects in quantitative LC/MS analysis.